Gerald minced daintily over to the chair, and after carefully arranging his skirts under him, he lowered himself slowly onto the seat, a sigh of relief escaping his lips.

He made a very pretty picture there, sitting stiffly erect, knees pressed modestly together, heels in a like fashion close together.

A shocked expression flitted across his countenance as Mrs. Smythe asked his aunt if she could bring her Nancy over to play with Gerald some afternoon.

"Why not, my dear?" his aunt replied. "Why, Gerald would be quite thrilled about it, wouldn't you, dear?"

"Oh, please don't, Aunty!" Gerald wailed, "I could never face her again if she should see me dressed like

like this!"


"What utter nonsense!" his aunt responded. "You know very well that you would adore showing Nancy your pretty wardrobe!"

"I would not either!" Gerald yelled. "I'm not a girl! I don't want to wear girls' clothes! You're mean and hateful to make me do it!"

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